Located on this page are forms and documents concerning creating a Family Safety Plan.

These documents, instructions, and forms do not constitute legal advice, and do not create an attorney-client relationship. The documents, instructions, and forms do not substitute for representation by a licensed attorney, and it is best to consult with an attorney and seek legal representation.

Family Safety Plans can be used to plan for (1) an emergency where one or both parents become unavailable or unreachable; (2) a natural disaster rending one or both parents unavailable; (3) the detention, deportation, or other incapacity of one or both parents; and (4) other unforeseen circumstances.

If you have questions about a Family Safety Plan, you need help creating one, or you have questions about the different types of documents on this page, please contact the Children’s Law Center at (317) 558-2870 ext. 334.

For Family Safety Planning information directed towards families with undocumented parents and U.S. citizen children, please see the below documents.

Safety Planning Guide
Guia para planear por una emergencia

Parental Power of Attorney (Poder de Abogado Designar Poderes Parentales para un Nino Menor)
Standby Guardianship, One Parent (Guardian en Espera, Un Padre, Immigration)
Standby Guardianship, Two Parents (Guardian en Espera, Dos Padres, Immigration)

For general Family Safety Planning Information, or Family Safety Planning information which is directed towards the COVID-19 pandemic, please see the below documents.

FAQ About Custody, Parenting Time, and the Covid-19 Pandemic (updated April 7 2020)
Family Safety Plans and the Covid-19 Pandemic (April 6 2020)

Power of Attorney (Pandemic)
Parental Power of Attorney (Geared towards pandemic) (2020)
En Espanol Parental Power of Attorney (2020)

Standby Guardianship (Pandemic)
Standby Guardianship, Two Parents (No Notary Required)
Standby Guardianship, One Parent (No Notary Required)

Standby Guardianship, One Parent (Notary Required)
Standby Guardianship–Two Parents (Notary Required)
Guardian en Espera, Un Padre

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