Located on this page are forms pertaining to obtaining custody of a child who is not your child. This is accomplished through Guardianship or Third Party Custody. These forms are meant to be used in uncontested guardianships and third party custody cases where the parents give their consent to the guardianship or third party custodianship.
These documents, instructions, and forms do not constitute legal advice, and do not create an attorney-client relationship. The documents, instructions, and forms do not substitute for representation by a licensed attorney, and it is best to consult with an attorney and seek legal representation.
It is very important that before using these forms, you (1) Read the Information On Legal Guardianship For Non-Attorneys document, and (2) Read the instructions document for each form you wish to use. Instructions documents are located in the Instructions column, directly across from the corresponding form.
Information on Legal Guardianship for Non-Attorneys (2015)
Información para los que no son abogados sobre Tutela Legal de Menores (2015)
This document explains legal terms used in guardianship cases; what a guardianship is, and when it may be requested; how divorce cases, paternity cases, and the signing of a paternity affidavit affect the ability to obtain a guardianship; and the legal process of appointing a guardian.
If you are a resident of Marion County, please be aware that in addition to the forms below, you will also need to fill out an Application for Appointment of Guardian, pursuant to Marion County Local Rules. If you are a resident of Marion County and Hamilton County, please make sure you complete a Guardianship Information Sheet as well.
[ezcol_1half]Instructions for Guardianship
Instructions for Guardianship Notice to Parents
Instructions for Parent’s Consent to Guardianship
Instructions for Child’s Notice and Consent to Guardianship
Instructions for Address Unknown Affidavit
Instructions for CHINS Disclosure Form
Instructions for Petition for Appointment of Guardian
Instructions for Guardianship Order Setting Hearing
Instructions for Letters of Guardianship
Instructions for Oath of Guardian
[/ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half_end]Forms for Guardianship
Guardianship Notice To Parents
Parent’s Consent to Guardianship
Child’s Notice and Consent to Guardianship
CHINS Disclosure Form
Petition for Appointment of Guardian
Guardianship Order Setting Hearing
Letters of Guardianship
Oath of Guardian[/ezcol_1half_end]
Third Party Custody
It is very important that before using these forms, you (1) Read the Information On Third Party Custody For Non-Attorneys document, and (2) Read the instructions document for each form you wish to use. Instructions documents are located in the Instructions column, directly across from the corresponding form.
Information on Third-Party Custody for Non-Attorneys (2016)
Iformacioen Para Los Que No Son Abogados En Custodia De Terceros (2016)
This document explains legal terms used in third party custody cases; what third party custody is, and when it may be requested; whether third party custody should be requested in a divorce or paternity case; and the legal process of appointing a third party custodian.
[ezcol_1half]Instructions For Third Party Custody in Divorce Cases
Instructions for Parent’s Consent to Appointment of Third Party Custodian
Instructions for CHINS Disclosure Form
Instructions for Verified Motion to Intervene
Instructions for Order Granting Motion to Intervene
Instructions for Order Granting Petition for Modification of Custody
Instructions For Affidavit of Unknown Address
[/ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half_end]Forms For Third Party Custody in Divorce Cases
Parent’s Consent to Appointment of Third Party Custodian
CHINS Disclosure Form
Verified Motion to Intervene
Order Granting Motion to Intervene
Order Granting Petition for Modification of Custody
Affidavit of Unknown Address
[ezcol_1half]Instructions For Third Party Custody in Paternity Cases
Instructions for Parent’s Consent to Appointment of Third Party Custodian
Instructions for CHINS Disclosure Form
Instructions for Verified Motion to Intervene
Instructions for Order Granting Motion to Intervene
Instructions for Order Granting Petition for Modification of Custody
Instructions for Affidavit of Unknown Address
[/ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half_end]Forms For Third Party Custody in Paternity Cases
Parent’s Consent to Appointment of Third Party Custodian
CHINS Disclosure Form
Verified Motion to Intervene
Order Granting Motion to Intervene
Order Granting Petition for Modification of Custody
Affidavit of Unknown Service